A SUV trapped in a mudslide

AP Photo / Marcio Jose Sanchez

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What meteorological phenomenon caused a historic storm and subsequent flooding in Los Angeles?

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Following research indicating it's a more reliable predictor of first-year college performance than high school grades, what requirement did Dartmouth College reinstate for applicants?

Dartmouth College has reinstated the requirement for SAT or ACT scores for applicants, based on research that these scores are better predictors of first-year college performance than high school grades. This decision makes Dartmouth the first Ivy League school to reverse its pandemic-era test-optional policy.

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What inflammatory term did a Wall Street Journal opinion article use to refer to the city of Dearborn, Michigan, causing an increase in security measures and backlash from Muslim advocacy groups and elected officials?

The Wall Street Journal article, penned by the executive director of the Middle East Media Research Institute, referred to Dearborn as "America's Jihad Capital," suggesting that its residents, including Muslim leaders and politicians, support Hamas and Hezbollah. The inflammatory and Islamophobic term has led to an increase in security measures and backlash in the city.

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Fueled by high temperatures and strong winds, what natural disaster has recently caused unprecedented devastation in Chile, leading to the loss of over a hundred lives and thousands of homes?

These wildfires, the deadliest in Chile's recent history, were fueled by high temperatures and strong winds. The government has even imposed a curfew and deployed the military to assist firefighters. Some fires may have been started intentionally, and the extreme weather conditions are being exacerbated by the El Nino weather phenomenon.

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After being diagnosed with an unnamed form of cancer, which member of the Royal Family has decided to retreat from public-facing duties during treatment?

King Charles, at 75 years old, has been diagnosed with an unnamed form of cancer. The cancer was discovered during his treatment at The London Clinic. Despite the diagnosis, the monarch remains in high spirits and has already begun his treatment.